Registration Qualification

Thank you for registering for one of our BEST Places to Work programs!

Click on the image below for more information regarding our social first, complete coverage, single upload approach to multi-market employer ranking contests.

Need more information? Click on one of the states in the image to get more information about each state’s programs.

We now operate three statewide and fourteen local employer ranking contests in the Pacific Northwest providing complete coverage across all of Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. One program for all.

We need to ask you a few questions to send you down the right path. Once you've answered the questions on this page, click on the Start Registration button below.

Definition of an employee's location

The location of an employee is based on the location of the job.  For this purpose we use the location of the assigned facility, department, or person to whom they report.  Think of it this way.  If telecommuting was not an option and everyone came into the office all the time, into what office would this employee go?

Example: an employee resides in Idaho but is assigned to a facility in Oregon, they are considered and counted as an Oregon employee.

Note: The survey asks employees to self-identify as on-site or resident (in the office most if not all of the time), remote or virtual (not required to be in office and no geographical attachment, can be physically located anywhere), and hybrid (somewhere in between).  This allows us to aggregate responses by these categories to identify any differences in preferences and/or priorities.